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Gasunie, the Dutch TSO, is ready for an offshore hydrogen mission

Gasunie, the Dutch TSO, is ready for an offshore hydrogen mission

The energy infrastructure company Gasunie is expected to operate the network for the upcoming hydrogen network in the North Sea, Rob Jetten, the Dutch Minister for Climate and Energy Policy, declared to the House of Representatives in a letter.

Jetten stated in his letter on the North Sea Energy Infrastructure Plan 2050 the significance of naming an intended operator to protect the public interest. The designation also provides the market with reassurance over the availability of infrastructure.

As offshore wind continues to increase after 2030, both onshore and offshore hydrogen generation will become necessary, according to Gasunie.

Willemien Terpstra, CEO of Gasunie: "We are happy that the government has trusted Gasunie and plans to assign Gasunie this crucial role of offshore hydrogen network operator." Like we are doing onshore with the national hydrogen network, we are prepared to start developing a network in the North Sea that will have excellent linkages to our national network and the networks of our surrounding nations. Naturally, we'll be investigating if and, if so, how to make use of the current North Sea gas infrastructure.

It is anticipated that this action would improve the Netherlands' competitiveness and contribute to the country's shift to a sustainable energy system.

According to the company, "Transmitting all of the wind power generated offshore to land in the form of electricity will become increasingly challenging starting in 2030." Given the transmission capacity provided by gas pipelines and the ease of hydrogen storage, here is where hydrogen shines as a fantastic substitute.

"This is crucial if we wish to have enough energy on hand, even in the absence of the wind and sunlight. Offshore hydrogen not only aids the energy grid but also reduces the demand for cables and electrolysers on land. Furthermore, hydrogen transmission is extremely (cost-)efficient, which means that the overall expenses of the energy infrastructure will decrease."

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